Christian Formation & Education
Sunday Morning Christian Formation
September through May during the 9:30am hour
September through May during the 9:30am hour
Genesis Group (Newborns-2 year old) - Meets in the church nursery at the end of the Gathering Area. Not just baby-sitting! Even our littlest ones hear and learn simple songs about God's love and hear Bible stories, as coordinated by our paid nursery staff and volunteers
Joys Group (3-4 years old) - Meets in the education wing, upstairs in the church building.
Jonahs (K-1st grade), Eagles (2nd-3rd grade), & Doves (2nd-3rd grade) - Jonahs, Eagles, and . Doves belong to a larger group, Rotation Disciples. This group uses a Bible-Based rotation curriculum that incorporates storytelling, service projects, cooking, and children's church to reinforce multi-sensory learning. Meets in the Muhlenberg Activities Center (MAC - building behind church) 1st & 3rd Sundays. Meets in the Nielsen Room 2nd & 4th Sundays for Children's Church, then return to their parents in worship.
Children's Church (ages 3—3rd grade)
1st & 3rd Sundays, 11:00 2nd & 4th Sundays, 9:30 An introduction to worship that follows the lectionary, so kids read the same stories as those attending worship in the sanctuary. Begins in the sanctuary and moves to the Nielsen Room (downstairs). Children rejoin their parents in the sanctuary during the Sharing of the Peace. Vertical Divider
Ambassadors (4th-5th grade) - Children in this group are engaged in study about Martin Luther and they begin to study the Small Catechism, preparing for our confirmation program for grades 6-8. Meets Room 216, upstairs in the Muhlenberg Activities Center (MAC - Building behind church).
Confirmation Program (6th-8th grade) - A relational, covenant group ministry to prepare students to affirm their faith by affirming their Baptism. We do Old & New Testament study, Catechism, worship, retreats, and service learning opportunities. 6th & 7th grades meet in Room 210, upstairs in the MAC. 8th grade meets in Pastor Lauren's office. Contact Pastor Lauren Eanes for more information.
High School - Faith Conversation Class: topics change every few weeks. Meets Room 218 in the Administrative Hallway. Contact Pastor Alex Zuber for more information.
Adult Bible Study - An in-depth Bible study connecting to our everyday life situations. All are welcome! Meets in the Library (downstairs).
40-Day Journey - Readings, Reflections & Spiritual Growth: An interactive class for adults of all ages where participants read Christian literature and discuss that perspective. Newcomers are always welcome! This class meets in the Kairos Room (downstairs).
Young Families: 3rd Sundays are fellowship. All other Sundays, we will discuss how to raise our children in faith. Meets in the Campus Room (downstairs).
Other Formation Opportunities
ACTS: Ambassadors Community for Theological Study - Lutherans and friends from across Virginia gather in Waynesboro to learn from a renowned scholar and then gather in small study groups for support and discussion. Contact Diane Bayer if you are interested in joining in the fall or spring session. More information can be found on the Synod Website.
Small Groups for Adults- More information can be found on the Small Groups page on our website.
Youth Ministry - More Information can be found on our Youth Ministry Page