Youth Ministry
JAMers: Grades 2-5 Meet once a month for fun, fellowship, and serving while learning about what it means to be part of the body of Christ.
Confirmation Program (Grades 6-8): A relational and covenanted ministry to prepare students to affirm their faith -- Old and New Testament study, Luther's Small Catechism, worship, retreats, service and learning opportunities. Contact Pastor Alex Zuber for more information. All students in this group are invited to participate in the Alpha Teens youth group.
Alpha Teens: The youth group for 6th-8th graders usually meets on occasion for fellowship, fun, learning, and service activities. The group also participates in Synodical Youth Gatherings such as Lost and Found, and At The Water's Edge. Contact Pastor Lauren Eanes for more information and calendar.
JCrew (Jesus’ Crew): The group for high school youth meets twice monthly on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month for fellowship, planning and local mission work. The group also participates in Synodical Youth Gatherings and ongoing fund-raising to provide resources to support summer mission trip and service events. Contact Pastor Alex for more information about calendar of events.
Confirmation Program (Grades 6-8): A relational and covenanted ministry to prepare students to affirm their faith -- Old and New Testament study, Luther's Small Catechism, worship, retreats, service and learning opportunities. Contact Pastor Alex Zuber for more information. All students in this group are invited to participate in the Alpha Teens youth group.
Alpha Teens: The youth group for 6th-8th graders usually meets on occasion for fellowship, fun, learning, and service activities. The group also participates in Synodical Youth Gatherings such as Lost and Found, and At The Water's Edge. Contact Pastor Lauren Eanes for more information and calendar.
JCrew (Jesus’ Crew): The group for high school youth meets twice monthly on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month for fellowship, planning and local mission work. The group also participates in Synodical Youth Gatherings and ongoing fund-raising to provide resources to support summer mission trip and service events. Contact Pastor Alex for more information about calendar of events.