Faith Formation & Education
Sunday Morning Faith Formation
In line with our Strategic Plan, a dedicated Faith Formation hour has been established so that our call to growth and learning is no longer competing with worship. From 9:45-10:45am, join us for classes open to all ages. One Adult class is offered with hybrid option for participants to join both in-person and via Zoom. All other classes take place in-person. Zoom participants can log in with the Sunday Mornings at Muhlenberg link:
Pre-K to 5th Grade: MAC Social Hall
Sunday School is at 9:45 in the MAC for Pre-k through 5th grade. Led by Children's Minister Ashley Saunders, kids will have an opportunity to row together through the "Living the Word" curriculum, which follows the Narrative Lectionary. They will learn biblical stories, do activities to put the stories into action, and build strong relationships. Older students will help share the stories with younger students to cultivate a collaborative community.
We need volunteers! As we move ahead and more people return to church we need volunteers in Faith Formation.
Do you love Jesus? Have you thought about the joy of sharing Jesus with children and helping them grow in their faith? This is the season for you! Email Ashley Saunders for more information. [email protected]
Middle School Sunday School: Augsburg Room
6th through 8th graders are encouraged to join each week for an in-depth Bible study together on the focus text of the Narrative Lectionary. This class is open to all middle schoolers, and will serve as the foundation of our Confirmation curriculum. Classes will afford our students the opportunity to learn more about important biblical figures, central stories in scripture, and learn with peers about applying the lessons to our daily life.
High School Sunday School: Campus Room
9th through 12th graders are encouraged to join together each week for fellowship, conversation, and learning among friends. You've been confirmed-now what? You have doubts-is that allowed? What does it mean to live out your faith publicly in the world? This class will be one that leaves "Room for Questions" as our youth find space, time, and community in which they can grow and learn together. We hope this class will be youth-led, guided by the question on their hearts and rooted in a study of scripture together. We trust that together we'll build a safe space for searching!
Confirmation: 1st Sundays, 6:00 - 8:00 pm
6th through 8th graders are invited to participate in the journey of growth and discernment as they prepare to Affirm their Baptisms. At the conclusion of their 8th grade year, students will have the opportunity to share their faith statements and take on the covenant of baptism for themselves. In preparation for this moment, students will join together weekly for Sunday School, prepare individual reflections on Sunday worship, and serve the community together. Our Confirmation Curriculum is on a three-year rotation of topics including "the Small Catcheism," "Lutheran History/Theology," and - the focus of this year - "The Bible." While Biblical study is a part of the entire confirmation process, this year we'll take a closer look at the stories of scripture on Sunday mornings, and then have monthly classes to learn broad themes and the history of the Bible with an eye toward Lutheran theology. This monthly class will happen the 1st Sunday each month from 6:00 - 8:00 pm with dinner provided. Confirmation students and their parents/guardians are expected to attend. The monthly class is also open to anyone in the congregation who would like to learn alongside our confirmands, and continue the lifelong journey of affirming their baptisms! If you are interested in being a part of the Confirmation class and/or helping to provide monthly meals, contact Pastor Alex.
Adult Class - "40 Day Journey": Nielsen Room
Join a journey that deepens your spiritual life using excerpts from the work of author Madeleine L'Engle. Participants read a brief excerpt, respond to engaging questions, and join together in prayer Order a copy of the book online, or just drop in and check out the class! Join us in the Nielsen Room or via Zoom:
Facilitators: Mark and Jennie Warner
Adult Class - "Faith Lens": on hiatus
Participants read the Narrative Lectionary text for the day and discuss how we can live out and apply its message to our lives. Facilitator: Jean Helmick
Civic Life and Faith: Kairos Room
The old adage says to never discuss "religion, politics, or sex," but this class will invite you into conversation about two of the three! Disciples of Jesus Christ throughout the ages have had to figure out how to serve God within a political society, and we are no exception. This six-week class will follow the ELCA's study curriculum for a closer look at the intersections of our Civic and Faith lives.
Convener: Karen Thomsen
The Nursery: available at the 8:30am and 11:00am Sunday Services
The Nursery will be available for ages birth-3, and we will have a space for feeding parents. The children will have temperature checks before entering the nursery, and all attendants will be masked at all times. We will be providing opportunities for age appropriate holy play connecting that Sunday’s scripture to the play opportunities provided each week.
Pre-K to 5th Grade: MAC Social Hall
Sunday School is at 9:45 in the MAC for Pre-k through 5th grade. Led by Children's Minister Ashley Saunders, kids will have an opportunity to row together through the "Living the Word" curriculum, which follows the Narrative Lectionary. They will learn biblical stories, do activities to put the stories into action, and build strong relationships. Older students will help share the stories with younger students to cultivate a collaborative community.
We need volunteers! As we move ahead and more people return to church we need volunteers in Faith Formation.
Do you love Jesus? Have you thought about the joy of sharing Jesus with children and helping them grow in their faith? This is the season for you! Email Ashley Saunders for more information. [email protected]
Middle School Sunday School: Augsburg Room
6th through 8th graders are encouraged to join each week for an in-depth Bible study together on the focus text of the Narrative Lectionary. This class is open to all middle schoolers, and will serve as the foundation of our Confirmation curriculum. Classes will afford our students the opportunity to learn more about important biblical figures, central stories in scripture, and learn with peers about applying the lessons to our daily life.
High School Sunday School: Campus Room
9th through 12th graders are encouraged to join together each week for fellowship, conversation, and learning among friends. You've been confirmed-now what? You have doubts-is that allowed? What does it mean to live out your faith publicly in the world? This class will be one that leaves "Room for Questions" as our youth find space, time, and community in which they can grow and learn together. We hope this class will be youth-led, guided by the question on their hearts and rooted in a study of scripture together. We trust that together we'll build a safe space for searching!
Confirmation: 1st Sundays, 6:00 - 8:00 pm
6th through 8th graders are invited to participate in the journey of growth and discernment as they prepare to Affirm their Baptisms. At the conclusion of their 8th grade year, students will have the opportunity to share their faith statements and take on the covenant of baptism for themselves. In preparation for this moment, students will join together weekly for Sunday School, prepare individual reflections on Sunday worship, and serve the community together. Our Confirmation Curriculum is on a three-year rotation of topics including "the Small Catcheism," "Lutheran History/Theology," and - the focus of this year - "The Bible." While Biblical study is a part of the entire confirmation process, this year we'll take a closer look at the stories of scripture on Sunday mornings, and then have monthly classes to learn broad themes and the history of the Bible with an eye toward Lutheran theology. This monthly class will happen the 1st Sunday each month from 6:00 - 8:00 pm with dinner provided. Confirmation students and their parents/guardians are expected to attend. The monthly class is also open to anyone in the congregation who would like to learn alongside our confirmands, and continue the lifelong journey of affirming their baptisms! If you are interested in being a part of the Confirmation class and/or helping to provide monthly meals, contact Pastor Alex.
Adult Class - "40 Day Journey": Nielsen Room
Join a journey that deepens your spiritual life using excerpts from the work of author Madeleine L'Engle. Participants read a brief excerpt, respond to engaging questions, and join together in prayer Order a copy of the book online, or just drop in and check out the class! Join us in the Nielsen Room or via Zoom:
Facilitators: Mark and Jennie Warner
Adult Class - "Faith Lens": on hiatus
Participants read the Narrative Lectionary text for the day and discuss how we can live out and apply its message to our lives. Facilitator: Jean Helmick
Civic Life and Faith: Kairos Room
The old adage says to never discuss "religion, politics, or sex," but this class will invite you into conversation about two of the three! Disciples of Jesus Christ throughout the ages have had to figure out how to serve God within a political society, and we are no exception. This six-week class will follow the ELCA's study curriculum for a closer look at the intersections of our Civic and Faith lives.
Convener: Karen Thomsen
The Nursery: available at the 8:30am and 11:00am Sunday Services
The Nursery will be available for ages birth-3, and we will have a space for feeding parents. The children will have temperature checks before entering the nursery, and all attendants will be masked at all times. We will be providing opportunities for age appropriate holy play connecting that Sunday’s scripture to the play opportunities provided each week.