For Daily Use |
Supplement for Teens |
Here, you can download the "Family Pack" with a guide to each day. Day 1 begins on Page 4, Day 2 begins on Page 42, Day 3 begins on Page 70. We'll be providing digital content for three days, but if you'd like to continue on your own with your family, those resources are available in this packet as well! Download HERE
This is a supplemental resource for teens in your house who may want to participate along with younger siblings or on their own! As much of the VBS curriculum is designed for younger learners, this resource should meet teens where they are. Download HERE
Compassion helps us see and welcome! To see and welcome is how we accept one another. When we gather together at the table, we accept each other in the same way God accepts us. Children will practice recognizing and sharing in the feelings of others as well as connecting with their own bodies/emotions. Through the parable of the father and the two brothers in Luke 15:11-32, children will witness how compassion empowers us to release any anger and judgement we may hold toward others, ourselves, and the world for not being what we wanted or needed. Children will learn how compassion inspires seeing, forgiveness, and welcoming.
Day 2: To the NeighborCompassion helps us be brave. To be brave is letting God help us see and reach out to our neighbor. When we reach out to our neighbor, we experience the miracle of God's power to restore and make our community whole. Through the gospel story of friends bringing their friend on a mat to Jesus, the children will witness how compassion often requires risk. Children will learn the ways compassion calls for focus-we keep our eyes on Jesus, even as others might misunderstand or judge our actions.
Day 3: For MyselfCompassion helps us love ourselves. It means showing gentleness and kindness to ourselves in heart, soul, mind, and strength. When we pay attention to and honor our own selves, we experience how God sees and loves us. Through Jesus' teaching of an ancient Hebrew commandment, the children will experience self-love as an essential form of compassion. Children will practice affirming themselves through word and body, seeing how doing so connects them to God's Spirit within.
Muhlenberg Lutheran Church
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