The Congregational Meeting will be held on January 29, 2023. The agenda items are as follows:
- Review 2022 Year-End Reports, including the Treasurer's Report*
- Elect Nominating Committee
- Elect this summer's Synod Assembly Representatives
- Recognize Outgoing Leaders and VIPs
- Hear Personnel Committee's plan for hiring our new Music Minister
- New Business
Hybrid Annual Meeting of the Congregation
January 29, 2023, 9:45am
Members of Muhlenberg Lutheran Church are invited to a Hybrid Annual Meeting of the Congregation on Sunday, January 29, at 9:45am (Christian Formation classes for grades 6 and up normally held at that time will be cancelled). The meeting will be held both in-person in the Sanctuary as well as via Zoom or phone access.
For Zoom participants, we will use our "Sunday Mornings at Muhlenberg" Zoom link: On January 29, you can click on the link above or the button below for Zoom access. For more info on participation, see "Meeting Participation Instructions" at the bottom of this page.
For Zoom participants, we will use our "Sunday Mornings at Muhlenberg" Zoom link: On January 29, you can click on the link above or the button below for Zoom access. For more info on participation, see "Meeting Participation Instructions" at the bottom of this page.
The purpose of this meeting is as follows:
- Review the 2022 Year End Reports, including the Treasurer's Report
- Elect Nominating Committee
- Elect this summer's Synod Assembly Representatives
- Recognize Outgoing Leaders and VIPs
- Hear Personnel Committee's plan for hiring our new Music Minister
- New Business
Meeting Participation Instructions
The Congregational Meeting is a hybrid meeting - you can participate in-person or by using Zoom. If you've not used Zoom before, please see our instructional video by clicking the YouTube link above.
A.) In-Person Attendance: Join us in the Muhlenberg Sanctuary a little before 9:45am on January 29 to attend the meeting in person. We are hoping that those worshiping at the 8:30am service will stay, and those worshiping at the 11:00am service will come a little earlier in order to participate.
B.) Zoom Online Attendance: Please follow the instructions below.
STEP 1: Zoom Download
First, download the Zoom app. Go to and follow the prompts for installation, as with any downloaded program.
STEP 2: Attending the Meeting
Once Zoom is downloaded, you’re ready to attend the meeting:
STEP 3: Zoom Etiquette
Phone-In Instructions: If you can’t download the app, you can always join by phone.
Call 1-929-205-6099 five minutes before the meeting and provide the Meeting ID (847 3141 6878) when prompted.
Questions: If you have questions about Zoom before the meeting, please feel free to contact Communication Minister Christian Perritt at [email protected]
A.) In-Person Attendance: Join us in the Muhlenberg Sanctuary a little before 9:45am on January 29 to attend the meeting in person. We are hoping that those worshiping at the 8:30am service will stay, and those worshiping at the 11:00am service will come a little earlier in order to participate.
B.) Zoom Online Attendance: Please follow the instructions below.
STEP 1: Zoom Download
First, download the Zoom app. Go to and follow the prompts for installation, as with any downloaded program.
STEP 2: Attending the Meeting
Once Zoom is downloaded, you’re ready to attend the meeting:
- The meeting is on Sunday, January 29 at 9:45 am. Please logon approx. 5 minutes before the meeting using this link:
- Follow the prompts to run Zoom, and then wait for the meeting host to let you in.
- If, for some reason, Zoom doesn’t open, you can always open Zoom manually, select “Join a meeting” and enter this 11-digit Meeting Code: 847 3141 6878.
- Once you are admitted by the host, select “Join with computer audio”
STEP 3: Zoom Etiquette
- To assist moderators, edit your name on Zoom to include the names of all voting members in your home.
- Mute your audio (click on the “Mute” option) until you are asked to unmute.
- Make sure video is turned on so the host can see you and know you’re still logged in.
Phone-In Instructions: If you can’t download the app, you can always join by phone.
Call 1-929-205-6099 five minutes before the meeting and provide the Meeting ID (847 3141 6878) when prompted.
Questions: If you have questions about Zoom before the meeting, please feel free to contact Communication Minister Christian Perritt at [email protected]